Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Mother's Day Skype Session

I'm not entirely sure about Elder Meyer, but we had been waiting for this call for months. In fact, ever since we ended the last call on Christmas Day. This chat was extra special as it was on Mother's Day! What a wonderful gift for mum to talk to and see her boy with the amazing technology of today. Through lots of laughs, news shared and genuine family time, we were able to snap a few pictures to share with you all.

Looking happier than ever!

First family portrait in almost a year.

Elder Meyer and his companion Elder O'Bagy.

Look who it is.

And special kisses for Mother.
(The lighting is a little too bright, but pucker up Elder Meyer).

We are looking forward to the next time we get to set up Elder Meyers face on the big screen. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Hi, I'm Jared Meyer and I'm a Mormon.

As part of the new advertising campaign in the UK, all of the missionaries in the area created a 'I'm a Mormon' profile. You can view Elder Meyer's online profile by clicking on this link or reading below.

About Me

I am an Aussie, who loves to dance Hip Hop, I am the eldest boy in my family of 6 Kids. I have a brain injury that I have been able to deal with, I have had trouble but I have been able to just try my best and do what I can do. I have a loving LDS family who love to live the gospel. I have done studies in Hospitality, and worked in Hospitality, I would love to sing, dance and act. I am currently serving a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am serving in the Scotland/Ireland Mission.

Why I am a Mormon

The reason why I am a Mormon is that I have been able to find out for myself that it is true, having this faith in my life has brought me so much happiness, and it is great to be apart of this religion. I am so grateful that I have this gospel in my life, it is hard sometimes to endure but I am grateful for the gift of the atonement that we have, and that we can repent of our mistakes that we have done and I know that everyone is not perfert and through Jesus Christ's coming to this earth and sacrifice for our lives and we can be saved and return back to heavenly father, and I know I want to return back to my heavenly father and by having this gospel in my life will get me back to heavenly father, and I just love it.

How I live my faith

I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and by having a great faith in this church, it has brought me a lot of happiness, During my youth I have been able to work with the youth and have a leadership role which I have enjoyed and been able to help out people. I have been able to read the scriptures, and pray and that has made my faih grow, I am so grateful for the faith I have and the way I have lived my life it has been great.

I will be "Killing Him Off"

I know that you are all wondering what has happened with moves call this week...

Well, I am staying in this area. My companion Elder O'Bagy is staying with me for the last transfer of his mission. I will be "killing him off"... as they say in the mission field. This just means he will be finishing his life here in the mission and head back home to America at the end of this transfer. Elder O'Bagy will be the first companion I serve with for a total of 3 transfers. I am really happy about this decision that Heavenly Father has made. It is the right thing for us. Elder O'Bagy is so so so so happy also. He loves this area and loves me as a companion  So all in all, we are pretty excited for the next transfer together.

Flat and Neighbourhood in Dundee, Scotland.

So, once again, we stalked down Elder Meyer's 'not-so-new-anymore' address on google maps and have pictures of his flat in the Liff Ward, Dundee, Scotland.

And here are some photos that Elder Meyer sent through of around the neighbourhood. Gives us just a glimpse of what it's like in Dundee Scotland.