Yes it's St Patricks Day today, and I am here in Galway in Ireland. It's great to be here for St Patricks Day! This morning at around 11:30am there was a parade, it was a good parade I took some videos of it. I love how you said that you had shamrock shakes for dessert, we got a shamrock shake from McDonalds it was good it was minty it was nice I liked it. It is good that you all celebrated it also I love that. I want to celebrate it every year, it would be fun.
Here is a snippet from Elder Meyer's email sent March 4th 2014: Yes it was moves call last night and well the verdict is that me and Elder Wightman are staying together in Galway. We are going to be the only elders in galway now as 2 elders are both leaving. This area was a 4 man flat area but not anymore as it's going to be 2 of us now. And me and Elder Wightman have the whole of Galway now to ourselves... well we have the senior couple the Weber's which we can use them and their car. But our car is being taken off us too so we will be walking everywhere and taking the buses. There is going to be another senior couple coming to Ireland and they will be having our car. So yeah it was a shock that it will only be me and Elder Wightman in the area not 4 of us! But it should be a good moves, we are going to be very busy as we will be picking up the other Elders investigators so we are going to be working with a lot more people now. so it should be a very busy transfer which is then going to go by really fast as when you are busy time goes by so quickly!