So I made it. I am here in Dundee, Scotland. I am serving in a ward called Liff with my new companion Elder O'Bagy. I travelled over with some other missionaries. We caught the ferry over, which was good. I have been feeling pretty nervous lately. I am trying to get used to this new area and my new companion, which seems like a lot at once. It's like a double wammie. Kind of like when I first arrived in Ireland from the MTC. The past couple of days have been hard. I miss Lisburn and everyone there! But I am sure everything with work out and settle down soon.
My companion Elder O'Bagy seems nice. He is very talkative, funny, and loud. Which I will need to get used to because then there is me who is the quiet and shy person. Elder O'Bagy has 4 months left on his mission so he goes home in June! So far, I think the members are great here in Liff Ward. They seem really nice. I am excited to get to know them. And I do love the Scottish accent!! It is so cool.
So in my new area, I have already participated in a confirmation, where someone just got baptised right before I moved into the area. We took the sacrament to a member in the hospital, where we then came back later to give the lady a blessing. It was a great experience!
Here is a picture of Elder O'Bagy and I, just being us. Hope you enjoy!